How To Remove All Transition Effects From Your Blog

Transition effects are one of the best CSS features that give awesome look and feel to your blog or website. We use this effects in page loading, image loading, buttons, mouse hover and etc.

But some of you don't like this effects. Some guys want clean blogs. If you are using the downloaded template from any websites, that includes a lot of transition effects. It is difficult to change entire CSS code.

But I'm giving a simple piece of code that will remove all of your transition effects from your blog.

Transition effect codes are usually written like this:
.transitions {    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;}
If you want to disable transition effects without finding and deleting your transition CSS code. You can simply add the below CSS code into your CSS section to disable the transition effects. 

First of all, go to your blog > Templates > Edit HTML > Please find the below code:
After that add the below code before the above code:
.fullload * {-webkit-transition:none!important;-o-transition:none!important;-moz-transition:none!important;-ms-transition:none!important;}
Not yet completed you have to follow one more tiny step. Again go to template editor and find this code
And change it into:
<body class="fullload">
That's it, you completed the job. Now save the template and check your blog, it is working or not.

If it is not working, please comment below I will help you. Thanks for reading my blog, Stay tuned for more cool stuff.


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