Add Simple Pre Code for Blogger With Text Selection

We all are using Pre code instead of Blockquote to get a custom look and feel for our website or blog. But for using pre code you must add a big chunk of code in your Blog and sometimes it affect the loading time.

But there is always an alternative way exists. So In this tutorial, I will show you about adding a simple custom pre code with Simple CSS and JavaScript. This looks professional. And you can serve your widget code in different ways.
As usual first of all go to blogger template editor and copy and paste below code before ]]></b:skin> or </style>
/* CSS Simple Pre Code */
pre {
    background: #fff;
    white-space: pre;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    overflow: auto;
pre.code {
    margin: 20px 25px;
    border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
    border-radius: 2px;
    position: relative;
    box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.08);
pre.code label {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 13px;
    color: #444;
    position: absolute;
    left: 1px;
    top: 16px;
    text-align: center;
    width: 60px;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none;
    pointer-events: none;
pre.code code {
    font-family: "Inconsolata","Monaco","Consolas","Andale Mono","Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Courier New",Courier,monospace;
    display: block;
    margin: 0 0 0 60px;
    padding: 15px 16px 14px;
    border-left: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
    overflow-x: auto;
    font-size: 13px;
    line-height: 19px;
    color: #444;
pre::after {
    content: "double click to selection";
    padding: 0;
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    position: absolute;
    right: 18px;
    top: 14px;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #aaa;
    line-height: 20px;
    overflow: hidden;
    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
    transition: all 0.3s ease;
pre:hover::after {
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: visible;
pre.code-css code {
    color: #0288d1;
pre.code-html code {
    color: #558b2f;
pre.code-javascript code {
    color: #f57c00;
pre.code-jquery code {
    color: #78909c;
After that copy and paste below code just before </body>
<script type='text/javascript'>
//Pre Auto Selection
$('i[rel="pre"]').replaceWith(function() {
    return $('<pre><code>' + $(this).html() + '</code></pre>');
var pres = document.querySelectorAll('pre,kbd,blockquote');
for (var i = 0; i < pres.length; i++) {
  pres[i].addEventListener("dblclick", function () {
    var selection = getSelection();
    var range = document.createRange();
  }, false);
The above code helps you copy the Pre code content by double clicking inside it.

After that save your template.

You can call this custom pre code anywhere in your blog post or website using the below code,
<pre class='code code-html'><label>HTML</label><code>... HTML ...</code></pre>
<pre class='code code-css'><label>CSS</label><code>... CSS ...</code></pre>
<pre class='code code-javascript'><label>JS</label><code>... JavaScript ...</code></pre>
<pre class='code code-jquery'><label>Jquery</label><code>... JQuery ...</code></pre>
That's all. You can customize this code according to your wish. Thank You!

How to Link PAN Card with Aadhaar Card

If you have not linked your Aadhaar with your PAN on the income tax portal yet, you should not delay it. As per latest circular from income tax (I-T) department, it is now mandatory to provide Aadhaar and permanent account number (PAN) details while filing tax returns.

The rule which will be applicable from July 1, 2017 is aimed at tax evaders who hold multiple PAN cards to escape paying tax. Therefore, after linking both the Aadhaar and PAN, the government hopes to keep tabs on the taxable transactions of a particular individual or entity, whose identity and address will be verified by his Aadhaar card

By linking the two, entities will no longer have to submit their Income Tax acknowledgement to the I-T department, thus saving tax payers a lot of trouble.

When linking, make sure that name, date of birth and gender displayed on the income tax website matches with the detail on your Aadhaar Card.

Here’s how to do it:
  • First, register yourself with Income Tax department’s e-filing portal by entering your details on the website.
  • If you are an already registered user, log in to e-filing portal by using your PAN as User ID, date of birth and password.
  • A pop-up window will appear asking to link PAN card with your Aadhaar card.
  • Enter your Aadhaar number; enter the ‘captcha’ code and click on ‘link now’.
  • If you have decided to link Aadhaar with PAN later click on ‘later’ button.
  • Now, in case after logging, there appears no popup window, then go to profile Setting and click on ‘link Aadhaar’.
  • Simply enter your Aadhaar number, enter captcha code and click on ‘link Aadhaar’.
  • Once the system matches your name, date of birth and gender with PAN card and Aadhaar database, you will receive the message “Aadhaar – PAN linking is completed successfully.”
That's all. Thank you for reading my blog.

How to share your favourite places in Google Maps

Google maps have an important role in our day to day life, so google likes to update it frequently. The latest update of google maps brings the ability to share your favourite locations with your friends.

Now onwards, you can create lists of places, share your lists with others, and follow the lists your friends and family share with you, without ever leaving the Google Maps app. You can save specific spots and share directly from the app.

If you have got the latest version installed, you’ll be able to do the following.

Open the Google Maps app on your smartphone, search for the destination you want to go or have visited and want to save, click on the ‘save’ icon. Tapping on the button with prompt you with pre-set lists like “Want to Go” or “Favorites.” You can also create your own lists.

To look back at all such places, left swiping in the app and going to places tab, you will be able to see all the saved locations. You will get icons for these places and an option to share it with other people via text, email, social networks and leading messaging apps.

Once the other person has received the list, they can tap ‘Follow’ to get the list of places recommended by you.

The lists you follow are with you wherever you take Google Maps and are viewable on mobile and desktop, and even offline. Next time you’re on a trip, download offline maps of the area in advance and you’ll be able to see all the places you’ve added to lists on the map itself.

It is a very interesting feature because a lot of times you want to suggest multiple must-see places in a city but often have to send multiple links or references to such locations. Now that everything is in one place, it makes it easier for the others to go through the list and enjoy these specific spots.

9 Benefits Of Rs 500, Rs 1000 Currency Ban

The banning of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes in India has been hailed as the biggest financial decision taken by 2.5-year-old PM Modi. Overnight, the entire economic spectrum of the country changed as Indian citizens and financial institutions were stunned and shocked.

Here, we present 9 Benefits we will get after banning of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes in India:

Deflation Due to Less Currency In Circulation

In the next few weeks, there would be a shortage of currency as people would be depositing their cash into banks. Besides, Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes constituted around 80% of the overall currency notes in the country. Suddenly, there would be less cash around, which will lead to short-term deflation.

Low Rate Of Interest

Gradually, as banks will be filled with cash deposited by eager customers, there would be a surplus of money with the banks, which will lead to easier loans and less interest rate. Over a period of time, inflation can rise gradually, which will in fact balance the increased deflation.

Low Prices of Gold

Investments like Gold are primarily conducted in cash in India, as both the jewelers and the consumer tries to save money by hiding the transaction from the Govt. This would become things of past, as most of the gold related transactions would now happen via cards/internet banking. Fewer sales of Gold would mean less price of gold in the coming days.

Low Real Estate Prices

Besides Gold, real estate is another sector which is dependent on cash in India. As all cash transactions would stop, there would be more supply than demand, and this will lead to low prices in this sector. Note here, that due to fewer sales of Gold and real estate, there would be less currency in the market, thereby increasing deflation as we shared above.

Immediate Stop To Black Money Hoarding

The timing of the announcement related with banning the currency notes was a master-stroke by PM Modi, as black money owners couldn’t get any chance to relocate their money. Their only option is to safely deposit the money in banks and thereby attract tax liabilities. This will immediately stop hoarding of black money in the country, and most of the business transactions have to be conducted via online medium.

Stop to Terrorism Activities

Terrorists use black money to fuel their evil purposes: 100% of the arms bought by them are transacted using cash. As Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes are banned, the terrorists cannot immediately encash their wealth for guns and ammunitions. This means an immediate stop to terrorist activities in the country.

Rise in Digital Transactions

ATM withdrawal has been limited to Rs 2000 per day and Rs 20,000 per week. Thus, as people will have less cash, they would be forced to use digital mediums for making payments. Hence, there would be an incredible rise in usage of digital transactions in the country.

Rise in Income Tax

More digital transactions mean more taxable income in the country. As the old cash gets deposited in banks, and less cash is being used for various transactions, there would be a healthy increase in taxes received by the Govt. less black money means more tax for India. Right now, only 5% of Indians pay Income Tax; and this number will surely increase now.

Health, Education Expenses can reduce

As real estate prices would drop, it will impact several aspects of the economy, including health services and education. Besides, some services can also become cheaper.

However, the introduction of new Rs 500 and Rs 2000 currency notes would change the scenario gradually.

How To Remove All Transition Effects From Your Blog

Transition effects are one of the best CSS features that give awesome look and feel to your blog or website. We use this effects in page loading, image loading, buttons, mouse hover and etc.

But some of you don't like this effects. Some guys want clean blogs. If you are using the downloaded template from any websites, that includes a lot of transition effects. It is difficult to change entire CSS code.

But I'm giving a simple piece of code that will remove all of your transition effects from your blog.

Transition effect codes are usually written like this:
.transitions {    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;}
If you want to disable transition effects without finding and deleting your transition CSS code. You can simply add the below CSS code into your CSS section to disable the transition effects. 

First of all, go to your blog > Templates > Edit HTML > Please find the below code:
After that add the below code before the above code:
.fullload * {-webkit-transition:none!important;-o-transition:none!important;-moz-transition:none!important;-ms-transition:none!important;}
Not yet completed you have to follow one more tiny step. Again go to template editor and find this code
And change it into:
<body class="fullload">
That's it, you completed the job. Now save the template and check your blog, it is working or not.

If it is not working, please comment below I will help you. Thanks for reading my blog, Stay tuned for more cool stuff.

How to Limit Number of Post in Blogger Search

Hi guys, after a long time now I'm active with my smartpik. This time, smartpik will give you a simple tip to limit the number of posts appear when you are searching in blogger search

This is an easy trick. You have to follow some simple steps. Ok! let's start

First of all, as usual, Open your blog in Blogger go to templates section click on the Edit HTML, Now you can see the cool simple single page blogger code. 

Then search for the search-box form from your blog. And that code looks like the below code.
<form id="searchbox" method="get" action="/search" autocomplete="off">
<input name="q" type="text" size="15" placeholder="Enter keywords here..." />
<input id="button-submit" type="submit" value=" "/>
After that add the highlighted code into your code.
<form id="searchbox" method="get" action="/search" autocomplete="off">
<input name="q" type="text" size="15" placeholder="Enter keywords here..." />
<input name='max-results' type='hidden' value='7'/>
<input id="button-submit" type="submit" value=" "/>
The value 7 is the number of posts that shown when anyone searches anything on your page. You can change that into your wish. It is simple editing and it works perfectly.

That's it. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks. Thanks for reading!!!

Why Google Switching To HTML5 from Flash?

Google has been in favour of replacing Flash with HTML5, that allows quicker load times, lower power consumption and an overall richer experience. Flash had been excluded from Google’s advertising network already, and now everything on Google Chrome will be supported by HTML5.

Hyper Text Markup Language 5 (HTML5) is used to create websites and media content that is generally very light and fast. But, Flash uses to support things like page analytics, that make the processing speed slow and worsens the user experience.

Now users needed to download the plugin to view the flash content. But in the case of HTML5 it works without downloading any additional plugin to view the content. And HTML5 works on smartphones and devices that do not even support Flash.

From September, the latest version Google Chrome 53 will begin to block any flash content on its application. Google’s blog mentions, “HTML5 is much lighter and faster, and publishers are switching over to speed up page loading and save you more battery life. You’ll see an improvement in responsiveness and efficiency for many sites.”

If you’re on Google Chrome, you might have to say bye-bye to your favourite websites that use Flash content only, unless you are okay with enabling Flash every time. This will also affect millions of people who play games and just browse content supported by Flash.

From December 2016, Chrome 55 will make HTML5 the default experience, except for websites that only use Flash. From 2017, you’ll be prompted to enable flash one a one-by-one basis, depending on the website, since all websites will be HTML5 by default.

Google is also encouraging developers to switch to HTML5 from Flash as it sees a lot of advantages. If you’re not happy with this decision from Google, you can definitely switch to other browsers like Opera Mini and Firefox that use Flash by default.